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Transcripts of Forgotten Truths TV Programs
Transcript of Program 034
Transcript of Program 034
* Whole number only
Item Number:
Forgotten Truths
TV Program 034
"Where Was God?"
This is an Edited Transcript (for easier reading) of the above Forgotten Truths TV Program.
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(in green) following the word "Download." Click the green title and
a screen will
appear stating you have one remaining download. When you click "Download Now"
it will download the transcript as a PDF File where you will have to "Save" it into
the download file of your computer.
Remember, you can only do this one time.
Another way to receive your download - upon Check Out you will receive an
email receipt of your purchase. In that receipt there will be a blue download link
of the program number and title. When you click that link a screen will appear
stating you have one remaining download. When you click "Download Now"
it will download the transcript as a PDF File where you will have to "Save"
it into the download file of your computer.
Again, remember, you can only do this one time.
Once it is saved into your computer you can open it, read it, or print it any time
at your convenience.
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