7 Hour Series with Book
* Whole number only
Item Number: 1239-42
Complete Sereies of 14 Messages on 4 DVD's (Volumes 39-42)
Along with the BOOK.
(A Strategic Grasp Of The Scriptures)
Forgotten Truths - Volume 39
Hours 1 & 2
"4 Keys To Bible Understanding"
Parts 1 & 2
"Getting Started Right"
Parts 1 & 2
Forgotten Truths - Volume 40
Hours 3 & 4
"The Goal Of Prophecy"
Parts 1 & 2
"A Grasp Of Matthew - John"
Parts 1 & 2
Forgotten Truths - Volume 41
Hours 5 & 6
"A Strategic Grasp Of Acts"
Parts 1 & 2
"A Strategic Grasp Of Paul's Epistles"
Parts 1 & 2
Forgotten Truths - Volume 42
Hour 7
"A Strategic Graps Of The
Hebrew Epistles"
Parts 1 & 2
These Four DVD's make up the complete
series of 14 half hour messages equaling 7 Hours.
They also come with the study guide called:
"Through The Bible In Seven Hours".
All for only $36.00